Talk: ‘Climate change and ecological crisis?’

April 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
The Stables
Steve Pooley
07808 269 297

We are delighted to welcome David Ramsden MBE, who will be talking to us about climate change and the ecological crisis. This is an extremely important talk that is both explanatory and challenging for the future. David is an excellent speaker who sets out clearly the issues involved and presents a path forward for us all to follow as individuals, in order to reduce the impact of climate change.

Speaker:      David Ramsden MBE

 Topic:          Climate Change and Ecological Crisis? What’s all the fuss about ?

Place:          The Stables. We shall meet downstairs for lunch (order food and drink at the bar) from 12, and the talk will be upstairs at 2 p.m.

Wheelchair access:     Using the direct route from the car park to the meeting room requires negotiating a few small steps. A better alternative for a wheelchair user is to go back down the slope a little way from the car park, and then enter the meeting room via the Fire Door from the patio. Here there is only one small step into the meeting room.

Transport:   The pub is located on the Crediton Road, just after Bernaville Nurseries. There are excellent parking facilities. Turn left up the slope just before the pub, then immediately right.

Bus:             There is a good bus connection (5, 5A, 5B, and 5C) from Exeter every 20 minutes or so.  For instance, there is a Stagecoach bus 5 running from Exeter bus station (Stand 7) at 11.45 which reaches Bernaville Nurseries at midday.

To book:      Contact Steve Pooley or on 07808 269297 by 12 April.


Created by Alex Volkov