Lunch at the Stables, Cowley, 18 January 2023

We had been looking forward to a talk by Xiomara Farthing about the work of the Churches Conservation Trust, which looks after more than 350 churches around England, but Xiomara had a bad sore throat and had to cry off a couple of days before the talk was due to be given. Peter, our Secretary, was going to step in and give a talk about his travels in Africa, but in the event that talk did not take place either.

There was a sharp snow storm on the morning of 18 January, and as a result many of those who had booked for the meeting cancelled their attendance at the last moment.  Only seven people made it to The Stables, but we had a pleasant lunch before departing home early, fearing that there might be more snow in the afternoon.

It is hoped that Xiomara may be able to give her talk later this year.

Created by Alex Volkov