Lunch at The Stables, Cowley, 6 September 2022

Seventeen of us enjoyed a splendid lunch at The Stables pub, which is located on the Crediton road next to Bernaville Nurseries. Our purpose in trying out this pub was to see whether it might be a suitable venue in future for our club talks. There was general agreement that this would make an excellent venue.

We had booked a dining room upstairs that can seat about 30 people. It is directly accessible from the car park behind the pub, so there is no need to climb the stairs, We were able to increase the ventilation of the room by opening a fire door leading to the pateo.

There was a good range of main courses. A particular feature is that they offer smaller portions at much reduced prices for ‘smaller appetites’. They also offered a good range of desserts. It seems that a good time was had by all.

Peter Wingfield-Digby

Created by Alex Volkov