Talk on ‘Devon Air Ambulance Trust’

On 6th October the Club welcomed Steffan Anderson-Thomas from the Devon Air Ambulance Trust who gave us an inspirational talk on Zoom . He explained the challenges encountered operating with Covid19, looking at the safety needs and their solutions, and working within the government guidelines.  A separation screen has been installed between the front and rear sections of the aircraft, sealing-off the pilot cockpit from the patient and paramedic area. They have also introduced a newly-designed throat microphone and bracket, to allow for full-face visors on safety helmets, which will further protect crew during procedures where they are at extra risk.

The service operates from 7am to 2am and last year 590 medical missions were carried out. In all, 936 patients were assisted, and 7% of missions involved patients with children. This year they had the busiest summer ever, with 572 missions over three months. Road Traffic Accidents are the third most common incident.

A new helicopter, the H145, will come into service later this year. The new aircraft was delivered on time by Airbus Helicopters UK and provides more space, full access to the patients, advanced technology and communication, as well as greater fuel capacity and endurance.

The Charity is independent and there are many ways in which you can support their valuable work by visiting their shops, giving regular or one-off donations, or joining the weekly lottery and supporting events.

What a marvellous service the DAAT provides for us here in Devon! It was good to be able to support them.


Susie Hewitt

Created by Alex Volkov